what to expect and more


a few questions answered


Where do you run your workshops?
I run my workshops in various venues across Hampshire. Currently, most are held at Wylds Farm (Christmas Trees) near Petersfield. I am always looking for new venues to run my workshops in so if you have any ideas please let me know.
How much of the workshop is practical?
In the beginner workshop, over half of the time is spent considering the importance of light; this is vital to your photography! Finding great light, using the best available light, adding drama with light etc. as well as covering image composition and scene-setting skills. 

We spend around an hour in total learning the important settings and functionality of our cameras which will make an immediate difference to your photographs.

My ‘next stage’ workshop is more practical, with image critiques in the first part of the workshop and then turn-tasing to photograph one another in pairs for around 45 mins. Every photographer needs to experience (some would say the pain of ..) being on the ‘other’ side of the lens to really appreciate the skills necessary to coax a great capture from their subject.

You also leave the workshop with some homework to do, then send me 3 images for me to critique. 

How many people do you have on each workshop?
Generally between 8 / 9 people per workshop, with a maximum of 10. It’s important to keep the group small so that each participant receives lots of individual attention wherever needed.
I just have a compact camera, not a dslr. Can I still come on your workshop?
Absolutely yes, there will be plenty for you to learn and use straight away in your photography.  A large part of the workshop is dedicated to me demonstrating how to find good light, see good light, and use good light to make interesting compositions, think about scene-setting and storytelling in your backgrounds etc. We don’t pick up & use our cameras during this stage. 

Only a small section of the workshop won’t be relevant and this is whilst I am talking about lenses and working through the set up & functionality on a DSLR camera. If you only have an iPhone on the day, you’ll still leave the workshop taking better photographs with it than when you arrived. However, to ensure you receive the most value out of my workshop, having a camera that allows you to shoot ‘off auto’ ideally a DSLR, is advisable.

What do I receive over the 3 weeks of email support after the workshop?
I set 3 photographic challenges which are then critiqued via a private fb / WhatsApp group.

This will ensure you immediately put into practice some of the taught skills whilst still fresh in your mind. I make you accountable and ensure you receive some constructive criticism to bring your photography on even further. 

With the best will in the world, we all have busy, full lives and it can be all too easy to have good intentions but then get caught up in day-to-day duties. I force you to galvanise and apply your new skills before they fade.

I have a group of friends who would like a workshop, can you run a workshop for a private group?
Definitely, this is a yes. The venue can be somewhere as simple as someone’s kitchen so long as we’ve room for everyone  to sit down and access to some outside space. The workshop is a set price whether for 2 people or 10.  It can be a really empowering experience amongst friends as inhibitions in front of the camera drop away and everyone is comfortable with one another’s company.

My diary is generally booked up 3 – 4 months ahead so please ensure you get in touch with plenty of notice.

Do you wish someone would show you how you can take better photos of your family with this great piece of kit and in a simple, low-tech, practical way?

Then join me on a dynamic and intensive half-day workshop in Hampshire, to discover the surefire secrets of taking great photos of your family. Spend an enjoyable morning learning new skills to put into immediate practice that same day. This workshop focuses on simple concepts that will dramatically improve your photos.

general questions

What to expect on the day?
Fun, enjoyment and joy! Whether with very small children, or teenagers and extended family, it absolutely has to be an enjoyable experience otherwise there’ll be no joy in the pictures.  
What if the weather is truly terrible?
If the weather us atrocious, we postpone and reschedule’ you’re paying to be photographed having fun together, sharing some joy, not sobbing and sodden in the rain. With adverse weather we rebook. I don’t reschedule if the skies are grey however as I’m a cunning photographer and adept at finding great light.
What to wear?
It really is up to you to decide on the day just how co-ordinated or dishevelled everyone will be.  This applies to a business or a family.

Some like to ensure there is a themed palette of colour that runs throughout all outfits and others not so much. 

Ultimately, the photographs need to be treasured for a long time, so any jarring garments that a child / adult may opt to wear but which will irritate your eye later, it’s probably best to handle this situation in advance and prevent any fashion meltdowns! I’ve four children and know just how quirky my children’s sense of style has been at times, so what they wear is definitely something to think through in advance and negotiate at home rather than during the session.  

I’ll suggest some dress guidelines which include avoiding slogan tee shirts, large logos etc and generally ensuring you feel comfortable in what you chose to wear.   

What happens after the shoot and how do we see our photographs?
Following our session, I will then professionally hand-edit your photographs for you to view via a secure, online gallery no later than two/three weeks after the session. Via the gallery, it’s possible to access and ‘star’ your favourite images and from various email logins. 

Generally, I photograph in colour and will showcase only a handful of images in black & white. To have specific frames edited for black & white is an additional service;  this is not an automated process.  We’ll discuss whether black & white appeals to you during our discovery call in advance of taking any photographs.

How and when do we pay?
To secure the date, I ask for a 50% deposit fee payable on confirmation with the remainder of the session fee payable on 5 days prior to our appointment. I’ll forward an invoice via email.  Products aren’t paid for prior to viewing your photography.
What if we need to postpone unavoidably?
Wherever possible and in unavoidable circumstances, I’m accommodating to a reschedule, though within 48 hrs of our booked appointment the deposit fee is absorbed and another deposit requested to rebook. A cancelled appointment represents a loss of potential earnings to me as a freelance photographer.
How do we see your printed products?
On request, I bring along some examples to the shoot for you to take away and look over then meet with you once you’ve all had a chance to look over your online gallery. It’s sometimes helpful to talk through decisions at this stage face to face to get a good idea of what you want to achieve. 
Do you photograph events?
I do indeed; parties, weddings, graduations etc. I photograph by stealth, keep myself in the background and capture events as they unfold naturally. I can of course choreograph and stage moments, shepherd people into position but my style and flare, first and foremost, is for documentary style imagery. 
Do you run phone photography workshops?
For groups of small business owners and employees, I deliver phone photography workshops. Testimonials state that the skills I share during these workshops vastly improves people’s abilities to take and edit great pictures which then help them to market their products and business.
Do you work with a videographer?
I do, yes. Several. We can discuss your motion capture needs over our discovery call.

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