Puck and a Picnic

Puck and a Picnic

stories Puck and a PicnicAugust 2021   I’m typing these words with both office doors propped wide open and breathing in the last warmth of an autumnal afternoon and the scents of the season shifting.   Cartwheeling children and, in the background, a spaniel and...
Season’s shift

Season’s shift

Season’s shift Autumn has well and truly arrived along with some biting northern winds this morning. Whilst fairly hardy by nature ( northern lass! ), I did find myself woefully under-dressed for Saturday coffee at the market in the town square this weekend,...
August booking

August booking

August booking Giant smiles aplenty here and much lens polishing; I’m now taking client bookings for August. What’s happening for you that you need me to capture on camera next month? Send me an email via the contact page so we can schedule a casual...