Chatoffee; chat over coffee

Chatoffee; chat over coffee

Chatoffee; chat over coffee This week, I had a chatoffee – chat over coffee, and yep, that is a completely made-up word, thank you lockdown brain! – with loom talent Kate Box. We threw around some ideas for our next shoot together and her new season’s...


Repurpose Repurposing. Prints captured for a Mother several moons back. These portraits are all displayed large in their home already, variously in colour and black and white. As stick-twirler and barrow girl have grown several inches since these simple gallivanting...


Weristeria This is a new exploration for a new season – Weristeria – a set of six prints which I’m excited to share with you. W e r i s t e r i a .. is a verb meaning ‘to wander longingly through the forest in search of mystery.’ Ten sets...


Half Half the day has elapsed already and we’re halfway through half term.  I’ve half a plan for what to write here and am allotting myself a meagre half hour to do so. That’s just how it has to be today. Simple as. I’ve beautiful music playing...
Little Donkey

Little Donkey

Little Donkey December has been a veritable mixed spice of a month so far and we’re only at Day 16 as I write here, awaiting the big two’s return to the nest from uni at any moment. Whilst the spirit is largely Christmas scented at this time of year, we also have a...